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How To Use SMS For Marketing

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How To Use SMS For Marketing
15 January 2021

It has already been mentioned that SMS Marketing is one of the greatest and cheapest methods of marketing in the current scenario. There are more than a handful of SMS service providers in Indonesia such as our company DartMedia. If you are thinking of using SMS as a promotional strategy, there are some things that you need to keep in mind. These tips will definitely prove handy for you:


- SMS Marketing is best used for small businesses in Indonesia since it targets a niche market which is much easier to target than a large population or a major industry. Small businesses usually have smaller overhead expenses. You also have a greater chance of getting your message across with SMS.


- If you are not an expert in SMS messaging, you can always outsource this task. The professionals in India are known to be very affordable when it comes to SMS marketing and they deliver quality services. Just think of the long-term benefits of working with an outsourcing firm such as this.


- SMS marketing is best utilized between Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Indonesia only celebrates Friday and Saturday. So if you want your marketing campaign to be effective, you should focus on these dates. It is also best that you use the weekends as off days. The rest of the week is a time for you to concentrate on other promotion activities.


- Your text message should be brief and to the point. There is no use sending a text message about your latest product sale if it does not have any fresh information. Also, try not to spam the person. People hate spam. Instead, try to send out messages that are conversational and light hearted.


- In SMS marketing, you should be very clear about who you are reaching. There is no need to keep your customer in the dark. Make sure that you include your name, phone number, company name and website address in the message. You might want to include an offer too. This is an excellent way of building customer loyalty. If you provide the customer with an incentive to subscribe, they would definitely want to do so.


- There is nothing more annoying than receiving spam. If you want to ensure that you and each customer receive quality marketing messages, you should choose an autoresponder provider that allows you to opt-out from receiving unwanted emails. This will allow you to improve your subscriber list.


- In the initial stages, you can try sending SMS only to select people. This is a good way of testing the waters. See how the response is. In addition to this, test your marketing campaign by sending SMS only to potential customers or clients. When you introduce yourself to more people, you will be able to expand your network rapidly.


- Your marketing campaign will fail if you do not offer incentives to your subscribers. Offer them free products or services. If they subscribe, make sure that you reward them accordingly. For example, offer them a discount on the first month. This will ensure that they return to you for future deals.


- It is very important to build a strong customer relationship. You should be in regular communication with your subscribers to keep them informed about what is happening in your company and where they can contact you. Keep in touch with them through every stage of the marketing process. You can send SMS updates to your loyal customers or clients too.


- It is not wise to rely solely on SMS for marketing. Remember that it takes time for messages to get through to the target audience. You may also face difficulties in verifying the accuracy of messages sent. For this reason, you should use other forms of advertising as well. For instance, you can post information on your website or you can distribute newsletters to inform your readers about important updates.


Marketing through SMS is an effective way of reaching out to your audience. However, you should employ these methods judiciously. Do not rely too much on it and make sure that your audience is not turned away by your SMS campaigns. Remember to send informative messages.

Irsan Buniardi