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Culture Development in Digital Era

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Culture Development in Digital Era
19 January 2021

Culture development in the digital era has a massive effect on society. This is true even for those who may not readily perceive this. How can technology affect your community today? The following paragraphs will consider some of the ways this impact on society can be seen in the current generation and beyond.


A key component of culture movement in the digital era is the increasing informal culture. Communities that are separated by physical lines are increasingly connected through social networks. These networks, however, are developed within specific formal frameworks such as clubs, neighborhood groups, or religious congregations. The informal culture continues to shape how people interact with one another in these organizations. This helps to explain why some communities are more religious while others are less so.


Another impact is the impact on community building. While these organizations tend to have formal organizational structures, they also tend to have informal ways in which they meet and engage with one another. The outcome of this is that they develop a sense of social responsibility. This extends into the way that they deal with issues in the community, especially issues concerning the environment. They use traditional forms of communication, but they also seek to engage their members with meaningful conversations about issues that affect them. At the same time, traditional means of communication, such as phone calls, are still used in some cases.


Community based organization is another significant component of culture movement in the digital era. In traditional organizations, members come together with the common goal of a shared project. In the digital era, this goal often goes unmet because it is viewed as an individual endeavor. However, groups that are formed around a common cause can still have a profound impact on society. For example, the environment or a particular national issue can be effectively addressed when leaders within the group decide to hold a culture-day event to bring together a diverse array of individuals who can then work together toward a common goal.


Developing a culture requires more than just creating a formal structure for addressing specific issues or gaining respect in the community. At the same time, a group must have a way to create a sense of belonging and a sense of value. In today's digital culture, this has become much easier to do. With the rise of social media and sites like Facebook and Twitter, anyone can quickly build a sense of community and engage in meaningful conversations.


Ultimately, culture development in the digital era demands that we consider what effects our actions will have on the wider culture. This may result in increased understanding of how we influence the wider world and how we can shape that world. At the same time, we must be careful not to erase the past and focus on the present. If we do so, we could dilute the impact of our actions. Instead, we should work to create a deeper understanding of how our actions affect the culture we live in.

Irsan Buniardi